Constructing research driven and future focused portfolios
Thematica construct research-driven and future-focused portfolios for a select group of clients. We are building portfolios centered around megatrends instead of traditional asset allocation focused on countries and sectors and value versus growth. We are using a combination of asset classes including equity, fixed Income, commodities, hedge funds and other alternative Investments.
Research plays a fundamental role in our investment and portfolio construction process. In addition to conducting thorough internal research, we actively collaborate with renowned research houses and investment banks that have demonstrated exceptional expertise in their respective local markets and thematic areas. These partnerships provide us with invaluable support, offering insights and analysis that enrich our decision-making.
By working closely with leading investment banks, brokers, and other external research providers, we gain access to a wealth of information and perspectives. This enables us to stay well-informed about market trends, emerging opportunities, and potential risks. Their expertise enhances our ability to make informed investment decisions that align with our clients' goals.
In addition, we actively engage in roadshows to identify and seize new investment opportunities. By directly engaging with company management, we gain valuable insights into their vision and strategies, ensuring we are uncovering the best investment opportunities for our portfolios.